Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas, christmas time is here...

...time for joy and time for cheer.
We've been good but we can't last.
Hurry, Christmas, hurry fast.

My all time favorite Christmas song is The Chipmunk Christmas song. I don't know why I love it so much, but whenever Christmas rolls around, I can't help but sing that song on loop. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about:

I'm still rockin' the record, "A Chipmunk Christmas," with Santa and the three Chipmunks on the cover. I don't have a record player so we don't listen to it, but I put it up by the stockings every year without fail.

Each year, after Thanksgiving we go get our tree, turn up some Chipmunk tunes and watch Christmas Vacation as we decorate our tree. All these years watching it and we still crack up especially during this part:

Because we live in an apartment and won't be here for Christmas, we got a small tree this year. But it's super cute. It's chock-full of colorful lights and the randomest collection of ornaments. None of them match but they're all special because they're from our childhood or given to us by family and friends. Here are pictures of  us decorating Bruce the Spruce:

We couldn't decide whether to put the angel or the star, so we went with both. Mike has to include his various NY sports team ornaments:


I bought this pink pig last year. He's awesome. Mike's mom gave him this Santa. We laugh whenever we look at him because he looks so depressed. We call him Sad Santa.

It isn't Christmas without the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

Every year I buy an ornament for us and when we have kids, I'll get one for them too. I try and get funny ones that represent who we are. I think this one does that beautifully:

What about you? Your tree up? What's your favorite/most random ornament hanging on your tree? 


Unknown December 8, 2009 at 10:25 AM  

I love your tree!!! It reminds me of my sister Chantel. She like all those miss-matchy ornaments too.

P.S. The Chipmunk Christmas song ROCKS!!!

All Pictures © Elaine Palladino 2009

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