Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Getting My Write On
Yup. Things just got interesting.
Posted by Lainey at 8:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: Insanity, Self improvement on the reg, Writing
What's Awesome? Longfellow Serenade, That's What.
Posted by Lainey at 6:21 PM 5 comments
Labels: Things my sister says, What's Awesome?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm still in the middle of my grades-are-due-this-week panicked haze though it'll be over by this afternoon so help me.
I've got tons of fun coming your way, but for now I'll leave you with a couple of "polaroids" I took this weekend thanks to the Shake It app on my ipopple. Coolest. Thing. Ever. It turns any picture you take into a polaroid, giving it that awesome contrast and coloring. Thanks to Naomi over at Rockstar Diaries for the heads up!
I ache for my Polaroid camera that I got for my birthday as a kid. Anyone want to get me one because you love me? (UPDATE: Totally, found one! Now you can just find me film.)
Posted by Lainey at 7:30 AM 3 comments
Labels: Picture taking, Updates
Friday, October 23, 2009
Little Divas
About three weeks ago I went to take pictures at Sammie's 5th birthday party. Y'all remember her from my Tutu Couture post, right? Well, I was not prepared for the cuteness of this party. Amazing. It was basically a spa for little girls. They had a manicure and pedicure station, an area for facials and a salon for hair and make up. I also heard the Hannah Montana live CD on loop for about an hour, but that didn't bother me so much. Seeing these Little Divas was enough to keel over and die, they were so cute. Here are some of my favorite shots:
Posted by Lainey at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Picture taking
Allow me a moment
Posted by Lainey at 6:45 AM 4 comments
Labels: Blah blah blah, Frustration
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Weekend With the Fisheye
I felt like I didn't stop for a second this weekend. I had to chaperone the Homecoming dance Friday night, spent most of Saturday planning my friend Lissette's bridal shower, visited my family, went to a Diwali party, watched the Giants play horribly and went to a book store. Through it all I carried my camera with me. Here is why:
A few weeks ago I purchased two lenses to try and build my repertoire: a portrait and a fisheye lense. This weekend, in my neverending quest to become a better photographer, I decided give myself a personal project: to take pictures using only the fisheye. Can I just say it's the coolest? It is wierd looking and rather intimidating but it's seven kinds of awesome. Here is my weekend as seen through the fisheye lense I will heretofore call Berny:

Posted by Lainey at 10:47 PM 3 comments
Labels: Picture taking
Friday, October 16, 2009
Love Bug
I'm the lucky person that gets to take pictures of these beautiful people on their wedding day. In Spain. In a castle. Typing it, I still can't believe it.
These are my favorite from their session:
Posted by Lainey at 7:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: Picture taking
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Phase I
Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm not a restful person. I exhaust people. In fact, I exhaust myself. I don't know why I always have this constant need to be moving and doing things, but I do. Take this blog, for instance. I love this blog. I started it in the summer because I have a little hamster in my brain working overtime with all of all the thoughts that are spinning around in there. It all has to go someplace. Why not here? Though I love this blog, it's hard work to make something enjoyable to read (I hope). It's also hard work to be a good teacher, wife, photographer, writer, in-shape person (not that I am. I just threw that out there to see if it sticks). The point is that I'm just about to make things a little harder (that's what she said). This afternoon, before sitting down to write this, I submitted my application for my masters in photography. I kissed 100 bucks good bye, said a little prayer and began the process of a new future. Gah.
What school, you ask? Academy of Art University. My wonderful, so-talented-it-makes-my-head-spin sister-in-law Kris is getting her MFA in Illustration there as I write this. She is living the life in San Francisco. I'm totally stealing her thunder by applying there, but she is loving that school and I can take the whole thing online. How great is that?
Posted by Lainey at 5:55 PM 4 comments
Labels: Getting my learn on, Picture taking, Self improvement on the reg
Monday, October 12, 2009
Let me explain.
Posted by Lainey at 8:50 PM 1 comments
Labels: Lainey's Terms
Friday, October 9, 2009
Random Thought Friday
* Can I just tell you I cried yesterday watching Jim and Pam get married? (Scott, stop rolling your eyes) The whole episode was hilarious but the last ten minutes or so did me in. Especially the very last part where Jim said:
“I bought those boat tickets the day I saw that YouTube video. I knew we’d need a back up plan. The boat was actually Plan C. The church was Plan B. And Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago. Pretty much the day I met her.”
Elaine: Does it make me fat that I just drove through a KFC for a soda and two biscuits?
Scott: Ha. No. I ate two breakfasts yesterday.
Elaine: No AC in my car. Stuck in traffic. Hottest day ever. Awesome.
Scott: Get out, rip off the lone hupcap and fan yourself with it.
Elaine: I really drive around with one hubcap. I feel so ghetto.
Elaine: I got a free extra biscuit!
Scott: Three?
Elaine: No, five. I ordered four because it was two for $.99 and I felt bad just charging two bucks. If I eat all five I will jump off my balcony.
* Erin Brockavich is stirring up some shiz in West Palm Beach! I hope that I never live near a "cancer cluster." Thanks NPR, for freaking us out while you keep us informed.
* Thanks to the lack of air conditioning in the hoopty I drive and the atrocious heat, I looked like I was rockin' some dreads this afternoon. Great.
* Just looked up the definition for Hoopty. From Urban Dictionary: Basically, a piece of shit car. Yup, about sums it up.
* Why do people like Two and a Half Men? Is it funny? I just don't get it. It's like the No. 1 sitcom in America. Look at this picture. Is there something I'm just not getting?
* Is it normal to crack yourself up? I mean, I seriously laugh at my own jokes.
* So while I was toasting in my car on my way home stuffing my face with KFC biscuits (I only ate one!), this girl was driving next to me on a yellow Vespa. She looked super cute with her long blond hair, white shorts and nice legs. I gave a little fist pump, though, when I drove past her and noticed she had an ugly nose. Is that mean? I'm a hater, right? Don't you hate finding out that you kind of suck?
*Just got these texts from my bro-in-law AJ:
"I just witnessed the most amazing police escape ever. Cops & pedestrians are on road adjacent to the highway. Dude gets away & runs across highway frogger style"
"I realize now that if I left work 14 seconds earlier I probably would have clipped this Houdini during his daring escape going 65 mph."
* There is nothing like coming home to a nice, steamy pile of poo. Our puppy is still having her senior moments, but we found out from the vet that it's just her knee that's messed up. Now we just have to fix it. Anyone know how?
I haven't posted a picture of the day recently so here is my return to all things normal. This picture was taken last Sunday during my first engagement photo shoot. This is my friend Nuria and her fiance Anthony cracking up. It's my favorite of the entire session:
Posted by Lainey at 6:42 PM 5 comments
Labels: Blah blah blah, The Idiot Box
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Pop the Bubbly!
Jim and Pam are the reason why I love The Office as much as I do and, if I'm honest, they are the reason why I got into the show in the first place.
I wish that I could say I was a fan from the very first season. In truth, I didn't know about the show until the season finale of Season 2 when Jim finally confessed his feelings for Pam. I was working at a job I hated, tooling around the internet when I stumbled upon a video of the whole scene. That night I came home and watched everything up to that point. I've been completely hooked ever sense. I've mentioned before why I love this show so much. This wedding is only going to increase my obsession.
I think what I love so much is how honest Jenna Fisher and John Krasinski are in their portrayal of the two best friends/lovers. The looks! The inside jokes! THE KISS! I live for stuff like this.
There will be tears and laughter tonight, for sure, as well as me jumping on the couch like a lunatic. The one- hour episode airs tonight at 9/8c on NBC.
Tanster over at Officetally posted this video of the whole Jim/Pam courtship through the end of Season 5. I thought I'd include it here incase you need to catch up or want to look at something awesome:
What about you, dear readers? Are you as excited as I am? Am I just a crazy fangirl? Thoughts. Comments. Now.
Posted by Lainey at 1:22 PM 10 comments
Labels: The Idiot Box, Yipee
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Are We Human Or Are We Dancers?
Here were are pre-show. I look like I have horse teeth in this picture, but that is neither here nor there.
Though I was psyched to see this band and knew how great they were, I was not prepared to be as floored by their performance as I was. To say that they sound better live is an understatement. Also, I'm a sucker for crowds; they can either make or break a show. The sold out crowd at the Triple A did not disappoint.
I can't talk about the crowd, though, without mentioning the ridiculous difference between the Metallica concert goers and those there to see The Killers. Apparently, our little group of four didn't get the memo that we had to dress like skanks. I've never see so many non-practical stilettos in my life. Seriously? How are you supposed to jump around and dance in those? Case in point:
I don't know how someone didn't twist an ankle or completely fall on their face.
The opening act was a random band call Chairlift. I'm not going to bash their music, because I listen to some pretty random stuff and so shouldn't talk. I'm only going to note the positives like how the lead singer was really into playing her keyboard. You could just tell that she rocked the Casio as a kid. She did this sick windmill move before hitting the keys that had mimicking it the whole night. She also wore mom jeans and played a wicked cowbell. We had Cowbell Interpretive Dancing!
I will say this about Chairlift, Brandon called them up on stage to perform "Under the Milky Way" by The Church. It was a great cover that prompted me to download the original the next day. I only hope that I can somehow find the version they did somewhere and get that sucker onto my ipod. In the meantime, here is the live version for your listening pleasure (note the mom jeans):
Besides this song, they played a wonderful combination of new and old tracks that had everyone jumping out of their seat. My sister's face was priceless the whole night:
When they played "Bling (Confessions of a King)", the song the makes me feel like FloJo, I about lost it. I almost fell over in my seat. It's that every songs elicited the same response because they were all equally stupendous. They played three songs for the encore...three! When they played "Mr. Brightside" and "All These Things that I've Done," the crowd went completely insane. It was great to be in the middle of all that. Check it out:
I'm still on a such a high from this concert and have been listening to their new album Day and Age on loop since Sunday. Great stuff. I even made a t-shirt to commemorate this event that I'm going to surprise my sister with. Surprise, sister! They are already ordered!
Up next: Pictures from my photo sessions this weekend and my thoughts on National Public Radio.
Posted by Lainey at 10:02 PM 1 comments