Wearing Your Closet
A feature I'm going to add to this here website is "Lainey's Terms." It's been brought to my attention that I say phrases all the time that a regular person would not know. My buddy says that a blog should: Engage, Entertain and Inform. Pay attention because I'm about to smack you with some knowledge.
When I say that someone is "Wearing Their Closet," I mean that they are wearing various generes of clothing at the same time. For example, Mike has yet to buy motorcycle boots or gloves for that matter. So, the love of my life is riding to work on an awesome bike wearing his dress pants and shirt with non-other than his tan construction boots and white batting gloves. Not to mention the big ass black helmet he's obliged to wear. Mike=wearing his closet.
This phrase orginiated in college when a roommate and I coined the term to describe the outfits of our other roommate. Girl wore anything and everything at any given time. She didn't give a flip.
Here are two good examples of someone wearing their closet:

Observe the different genres of clothing. You want to be able to identify this when you're out and about or at the very least know what I'm talking about when I point it out. The more you know.
Next up: "Eating Crap." No, you do not ingest poo. It's something along the lines of not paying attention. All will be explained.
Cuz, what about "Despingation"??
What about "ass of the world"...as in "I drove to the ass of the world"...Boom!
Those two will definitely be discussed.
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