Random Thought Tuesday
Today was a day for random thoughts and in honor of this holiday, so to speak, I'm going to list some of them here:
-I looked like Christina Hendricks from Mad Men today minus the big boobs, red hair and general sexiness. So maybe I didn't look like her. It's just that I wore an old fashioned dress like they do on the show.
-There is an inordinate amount of pay-by-the-hour "executive" hotels on my way to work. Should I be concerned?
-I actually said this in my class today,"You cannot out-attitude me honey so how about you calm down."
-I really love weddings. I mean, I LOVE weddings and the fact that there is a slight possibility that I might get to be THE photographer at a wedding in Spain in a CASTLE, has me spinning in circles. I am twirling!
-I didn't watch the VMAs but the kids were all about them today. I did watch the New Moon trailer (it's rockstar) and the video of Kanye West being a douche (they've removed it from the internets). Why you gotta be frontin' man?
-Watched half of Braveheart with Mike today. We do this all the time. Because on weeknights we have to go to bed early, it'll take us something like three days to watch one movie. It's nice, though; you have something to look forward to.
-Very proud of myself for NOT buying a book at Target. I had one in my hand and told the cashier that I didn't want it. That's like a crack addict saying "No, thanks" to his dealer.
-Why do cashiers look at you funny when you say that you have your own bags? Did they not get the memo from Al Gore that we need to recycle and save the planet? Just scan the groceries buddy and I'll do the rest.
-The new Harry Potter park is going to make me hyperventilate, I'm so excited. Check out the details here.
-Wiggs over at The Beholder, is holding a contest to name the book she's writing with her mom. I'm borderline obsessed with both her blog and her mother's books. To top it all off, the winning title and two random entries will each win KitchenAid Stand Mixers--basically the Holy Grail of kitchen appliances. I loathe anyone who owns one but only because I want one. I hate because I covet.
-Links make me happy. That's why I include them whenever I can. You don't want to miss the link to Al Gore. Clink on links, they are the pink words that take you to awesomeness. Oh, and reading comments really makes my day.
-That is all.
Got any random thoughts you want to include here? Leave 'em in the comments.

I had written a comment, but then decided to write a comment per random thing....So here we go:
1. I don't know who Christina Hendricks is, but...yeah, you look nothing like her. Moving on.
2. They just keep building them! Jorge and I notice a new "motel" going up all the time. I am thinking I should rethink my career and open one of those babies up! Boom.
3. No. YOU cannot out-attitude ME.
4. You'll love Spain. It's fabulous! Just don't eat the chicken. Don't do it. Just. Do. Not. Eat. The. Chicken.
5. New Moon trailer...ohmigod!...'ye is a d-bag - what else is new?
6. Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! ALBA GU BRA!!
7. I too didn't buy a book @ Target on Sunday. Good for me & good for you.
8. No, what I love is that when you hand them your bags they are all like "Oh, you want to use these?"...NO! I just handed them to you for my personal amusement!
9. Did you enter the contest?
10. House shopping sucks. That is my random thought of the day.
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