Sweatin' Through the Oldies
I should be studying for a test that I can't fail or it'll cost me upwards of 170 bucks to retake, but today I'm going to talk about fitness.
See, I was at my cousin's house yesterday playing a little Wii Hula. That thing destroyed me. I looked like a complete fool. There is actual video footage complete with a laugh track courtesy of my sister. I was trying to beat my cousin's friend who got 314 spins in I don't know how many minutes. I almost made it but was out of gas after my third attempt. I mean, I was sweaty and getting side craps and just plain crapped out.
Then today while getting things ready for the opening of school, I moved somewhere along the lines of 600 text books. I didn't mistype--600 books. That's after moving boxes filled with all of my school crap from my sister's old bedroom in the second floor to the car then to my classroom. No joke, that's what today was. I'll tell you, I looked like a million bucks, too, what with the sweaty shirt and halo of frizz. I don't know how Mike keeps his hands off me.
I realized while moving my 411th book that I need a fitness overhaul complete with core strengthening (You'll rue the day, Wii!) It was all going to start today but that didn't happen, see previous paragraph, so it's starting tomorrow. I write this in hopes that I can be held accountable by my three readers. What do I hope to accomplish, you ask? Simple. To not crap out playing a darn video game. No, I hope to get to the point where I'm exercising everyday and feeling healthy and energized.
Last year was a complete debacle. I didn't work out for almost the entire school year. Strangely enough, I managed to lose some weight but only because I was on the new-teacher-who-never-sits-down-and-eats-lean-cuisines-and-a-yogurt-for-lunch regimen. I don't want to sacrifice my well being and the shape of my thighs to the public school system.
To get me pumped, I figured I'd share my most kick-butt songs from my "Think of the Cellulite" workout mix. These are the songs that I play for that extra push when I'm in the middle of a tough mile on some ridiculous incline because I've convinced myself that what will really make a difference are more hills:
Bling (Confession Of A King) - The Killers: I swear that I am FloJo when I listen to t
his song. I hate myself afterwards when I can barely walk but for those four minutes and eight seconds, I'm the fastest woman on the planet.

The Archers Bows Have Broken - Brand New: I thank Mike for this song because it has helped me through many a work out. It's the perfect mix of anger and drums.
Live Your Life (feat. Rhianna) - T.I.: This is my new go-to song. I find that the key to a "keep you moving" song is a good back-beat that helps you keep your pace and speed it up if you have to. Also, it's the type of song that once it comes on, I automatically start giving myself the pep talk to get my ass in gear just as the song starts to pick up. Yes, I talk to myself on the treadmill.
Anna Molly - Incubus: This one's been with me a while. Ol' faithful, if you will. It never fails to getting me moving.
A Praise Chorus - Jimmy Eat World: I used to listen to this when I just moved home from New York and would run around my parent's neighborhood with my Discman (remember those?!)
Aww Naww - Nappy Roots: Have you ever wondered what song you would play right before your at-bat if you were a major league baseball player? This would be mine. It's also good if you need to get amped for a fight. Not that I've been in many of those.
I Caught Myself - Paramore: This is from the Twilight Soundtrack and it's a real gem. Songs filled with angst are truly the best kind.
So that's it. Though these aren't the only songs on my mix--I've got 96 songs on shuffle--they're the ones I go to when I need a swift kick in butt.
What songs gets your blood boiling whether it be in the gym or in the car? Leave your list in the comments!
I took today's picture of the day from the balcony of my old apartment.

I promise you that once Berto and Lisko leave Florida me and you will start an intense workout regiment. I get home from work before 5:30 every day so we could be throwing the weights around by 5:45! Whenever one of us gets lazy we will rely on the other to push us through the days workout. There is no such thing as bathing suit weather down here...it is bathing suit weather ALL YEAR! We can even exchange tips based on our particular workout stregths.
My favorite songs to workout to are in no particular order...
"Dont Stay" by Linkin Park
"One Step Closer" by Linkin Park
"Rudy Theme Song" Rudy the movie
"Firefly", "Diary of Jane", "Sooner of Later", "Break My Fall"...pretty much anything by Breaking Benjamin (incredible rock and roll music for working out!!!)
"Machine Head" Bush
"Confessions of a Rider" TuPac
"Victory" Puffy and Biggie
"Gimme da Loot" Biggie
"Lux Aeterna" composed by Clint Mansell
its Laurita :]
omg mrs. P. you must hate me and lesly for not showing up on monday. we have had a S U P E R crazy Financial aid hell this week. we felt so bad for not going though and now that i read 600 book i feel even worse. were going to try to pass by tomorrow. and if not then thursday. for sure were going to pass by before school starts. WERE SORRY ! lol its been so stressing "/
my favorite workout song : "shut me up" - Mindless Self Indulgence. Fills me up with energy woot woot ! :)
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