DMB and their Songs...

One of the things that you'll learn about me is that the hottie to the left is the subject of many of my pictures. Maybe it's because we're always together. Maybe I'm obsessed. Can you be obsessed with the person you married? God, I hope not. I could do a gallery called Mike: A Restrospective. But I won't (for those of you already gagging).
I'm just debating whether to go to the Dave Matthews Band concert or not so i've been listening to their new album on repeat and love the song, You and Me, more than any on the album. I can say that I acutally cried the first time I heard it but I think I might have been hormonal that day. Here is a sample of its fabulosity:
Wanna pack your bags, Something small
Take what you need and we disappear
Without a trace we'll be gone, gone
The moon and the stars can follow the car
and then when we get to the ocean
We gonna take a boat to the end of the world
All the way to the end of the world
That, man. Dave sure knows how to write some music. I was on a plane on the way back from New Hampshire filled with that glow you get after being in nature for a week, surrounded by family and laughter. I looked over at him with the song swelling in my headphones and the waterworks started. Yeah, totally going to the concert now. Check it out:
Here is one of my all-time Mike favorites that I took during our New Hampshire vacation after he jumped in Hubbard Brook to get me rocks from the other side:

that is a very cool picture! i love it when you find "the one" and you know you'll have that moment saved forever.
ps hello! :)
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