On Books and Why the Parking Lot App is the Coolest Thing Ever
Pardon for my lack of posting yesterday, I was bombarded with another round of books in the heavy variety. How my allergies haven't acted up, I don't know. What I do know is that my whole "fitness plan" has gone out the window at least until the weekend. Maybe. In my relaxed summer vacation haze, I'd forgotten how much the week before the first week of school (pardon my expression here guys) sucks balls. There's no other way to explain it. This was my room at two in the afternoon yesterday:
It was like a teacher supply store exploded. At least Yoda was up. I cried in the car on my way home mumbling something to the husband about take out. I had rolled around in dust and old student dirt all day; there was no way I was cooking. All is well today, though. We had a little bit a drama during the day so that kept things exciting. And I'm done. That's all that matters. I'm moved in, let the nightmare begin!
What I've realized throughout these two weeks (first of training, then of move-in hell) is that the iphone has to be one of the coolest things ever. I've always been an ipod junkie. At first I flirted with those little MP3 players until I relented and bought the second generation ipod. I still use it because it's rockstar. I've got over 4,500 songs on there filled with anything from The Killers to Burton Rafael reading Beowulf (What? We covered it in class last year.) I say this because a person like me is just who Apple targets for their iphone. No? But I just wasn't interested. Mike got one and, though it was cool, I still didn't want one. That was until the $200 phone bill that had me running to the bathroom crying. I promise that I don't cry all the time only when I'm stressed, really hungry or get out-of-control cell phone bills the same month my husband buys the motorcyle he's always wanted and I wonder which crevice I'm going to pull money out of today.
When the bill that will live in infamy came, I decided to change carriers and just go ahead and get the damn phone. Man, now I think that bill was fate stepping in because this contraption is awesome. It's got all kinds of stuff that I can play with. You know, there's a commercial every three seconds for the millions of apps you can get but the coolest thing by far is the Parking Lot game.
Here it is on the left. The basic premise is that you need to get
the yellow car through the exit. It looks simple enough but its not. I can zone out playing this for hours (ok, maybe not hours) but it does help pass the time whether you're on a plane or waiting at the doctor's office.
Another rockin' thing is that you can make your own ringtones by customizing songs that you already own. You can start and stop the song anywhere you want. The only downside is that you have to pay to download the edited ringtone. So, in a way, they charge you twice. I bought two ringtones, though, because I'm a sucker.

This is a ramble post if I've ever seen one but that's how my brain has functioned for the past three days. A whole lot of mush in there with no other outlet other than my morning pages and this blog.
Anyone buy any cool gadgets lately? What's your favorite part of the iphone if you own one? Who's jealous? As always, leave your thoughts/rumblings in the comments.
Today's picture of the day is of my great friend Lissette. I don't know why but I love it:

I'm still waiting for a post on me... I'm just saying.
I've just learned that you got an iPhone through your blog. I'm upset that I did not learn about this through facebook.
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