Thursday, December 31, 2009

Um, I'm a Mac?

So look at what Santa brought me for Christmas...

My cousin is going to kill me but I decided to go with my gut and get a Mac. I was wavering. Boy, did I waver. But I went with the thing that I believe will help me the most in my photography and with this fledging business.

Can I just say: Geez, Louise this thing is beautiful. My website looks awesome! Sorry, it just felt like I was looking at it for the first time ever given that I had the tiniest laptop on the planet before this. The monitor is going to burn my retinas but it's worth it.

I'm surprised at how quickly I'm adjusting. The real test will be when I get photoshop and start editing. I hope I don't have to re-learn everything. That'll suck. Anyway, stay tuned for updates on my adventures with Buddy. I named it Buddy. Things like this have to have names. Also the little Budda that I placed underneath the screen seems to like it. Buddy and Budda...we're going to get along just fine.

How about you? Have you crossed the great divide to get a Mac? What's life like on this planet? Sound off in the comments. 


During my time in New York, I called The Academy of Art and withdrew from school. I failed to mention that after Phase I, there was a Phase II (getting accepted) and a Phase III (registering). I was scheduled to start February 1st with two classes. I was awarded financial aid. In other words, I was all set to go.

So why did I quit before I even started (wasting money in the process)? The answer to that is I'm not sure. All through the application process, I was nagged by this uneasy feeling. Maybe uneasy is the wrong word, but I couldn't help but feel that this wasn't the right path for me. I never listen to myself, so I started down the path despite the feelings. Part of me wanted to see if I could get in. Another, more prominent part, really wanted to go; to be a student and excel.

But a funny thing happened the last week before Christmas: I had three photo sessions in one weekend. I was out shooting, taking some of the best pictures I have to date and I was doing it without the help of school or the judgement of a professor. Now, I'm not saying that I won't benefit from the critical eye of a seasoned veteran or anyone really, I just don't know if it's worth going $50,000 in debt to get it.

While I was talking to different people about whether to quit or not, I was told that it takes more courage sometimes to NOT do something; to say no. Ultimately, the decision not to go to school was the best decision I could make. How would I, you're run-of-the-mill human girl with no notable super powers, be able to do well at teaching (which, after all, is my job for the foreseeable future), start a business, succeed in school and continue to be an amazing wife and friend? Could I do it? Hell, yes. Do I have to? No. I like the lining of my stomach, just fine thankyouvermuch. I cannot afford to get an ulcer over this. I don't want to lose all these other things that are so precious to me, just to prove to myself that I can do it.

I'm trying not to have the knee-jerk reaction of calling myself a quiter. I never quit anything. Well, maybe the gym and we see how that's turned out. I never withdraw. I never surrender. But at the end of the day, I'm not some gladiator facing a formidable opponent or a soldier fighting against an unknown threat. I'm just living my life. And I've learned that life, like a marriage or a relationship, takes compromise if you want to make it worth living.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Off the Rails

So I totally got stuck on a train yesterday. For serious. It was at once awful and an interesting experience. Settle in, you're about to hear a story.

I took the train up to White Plains to meet my great friend and former roommate  Carolina. I only get to see her a couple of times a year so I was delighted to get to make the trip. Seeing her is like being home. Anyway, we had a great visit: ate some lunch, shopped around, caught up on everything. Much too soon, the time came when she had to drop me off at the train station to make my way back to Mike's hometown. This is when the trouble starts.

It should be noted that I haven't taken a train ride since the summer and even then was with Mike so I never really had to pay attention. I get on the platform forgetting that the board announces the train's final destination, not the next stop. Like an ass, I hop on the train for North White Plains since that's the next stop I know I have to take. I know this because Mike equipped me with a list of all the stops to White Plains. "The list is reversed when you're coming back home," he says. Duh, I think.

I get on the train heading to North White Plains and what I think is my final destination. I get cozy in a corner with a book and my ipod for the 40 minute trip. Next thing I know, the train is crawling slowly and there is a train really close on my left. I look to my right and see that there is no platform. When I look around me, I see that there are no people and that I'm on a completely empty train. Now, I don't know if you've gathered from reading my blog, but I'm not a calm person. Never have been, never will be. Suffice it to day, I start to freak out. 

My default setting for when things like this happen to me is to call Mike. I dial as I begin to walk up and down the train car not sure which direction to take. When he answers, I let loose: "I'm stuck on the train. There is no one on here. I don't know where I am. aldjfwe&&*#$%#!ouowaielnasldhfoasdhfljhasd." (I started to get incomprehensible towards the end there) But it's not Mike, it's his brother, Andrew, and then our friend, Aaron, telling me to calm down; asking me where I am. "I don't know," I say. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get out of the damn train car. It's locked. I start pressing the emergency button but those bastards don't answer.

Suddenly, I see this guy walking next to the train and I knock on the window. I'm surprised at how calmly I'm knocking given that I just had a Stage 3 freakout (out of 5). He looks at me like he's seen this before. I just tell him I'm from out of town.

When I look around, I'm in the middle of a train yard about three blocks from the North White Plains station where I had to apparently get off and transfer to the express train. I have to take this little path, like I'm walking the yellow brick road, all the way back to the train station. I'm a city girl, born and raised, so I'm not a fan of isolated places surrounded by trees. I know that I don't want to wait in this train stop for the next train that comes in an hour. Eventhough there were people there, I wasn't feeling it AND I still wasn't sure whether this was the right station in the first place.

Luckily, I don't have to wait long. Like a pack of knights those three swooped up in a Honda CRV and saved me. I was a little shaken the rest of the night, maybe a little worse for wear, but I can laugh about it now much to my sister's chagrin. Did I mention that I hate trains?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Christmas! the witches and wizards from the world of Harry Potter would say. Or as my Cuban people would say "Feliz Noche Buena." Christmas is finally here and I can't help but be warmed by that fact.

Though I'm definitly in a cheery mood, I must confess I'm a little homesick today. My mom is cooking a great meal that I can almost taste. More than anything I miss my family, their warmth, their love.

If I can't be home for Christmas, though, this is the second best place to be. Seeing Mike this happy, makes a little homesickness worth it. His brother and sister are here, it smells of freshly baked cookies, we just finished watching Scrooged, and presents will be opened tonight.

As a photographer, I can't get over how difficult it is to get pictures taken of myself or with Mike. I've become an ace, however, at setting the timer and running to where Mike is standing patiently. This picture could be better, but it's cold as all get out and I wasn't going to dally. Take the picture and get back inside!

Happy Christmas! Felicidades!
May your Christmas be filled with all the things that make this life worth living: Family, faith and love.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chocolate Covered Pretzels

I'm not going to lie to you--I had never eaten a chocolate covered pretzel until recently. I know, this might boggle your minds but, it's true. In my mind, salt and chocolate just didn't mix. Boy was I wrong.

I was visiting this fun blog, M. Writes, when I saw that she made chocolate covered pretzels as a gift for family and friends. All of her homemade gifts are so cute, they make me sick. Why can't I get my act together to do things like this? I didn't even pull it together to send Christmas cards this year. I'm one big Christmas FAIL! Either way, I became inspired upon seeing her blog post and decided to make some of my own.

Here are some pictures of my pretzels in action. The white chocolate ones are AMAZING! Yes, I rock.


What homemade gifts, if any, did you make this year? Want me to make these for you? Thoughts, comments.

Baby, It's Cold Outside

It's easy to get in the spirit of things when there is snow on the ground and it's cold outside. As much as my allergies hate me, I love wearing sweaters and coming in from the cold to a nice, warm house.

Yesterday, we did a little last-minute shopping and hung out with my sister-in-law, Kris, and our buddy, Aaron. We then went to see Avatar. Totally recommend it! What a fun movie. The story is predictable in that we've seen it before. Mike and Aaron were breaking down what movies we "saw" in the story (They came up with The Matrix and Dances With Wolves). What makes the movie great, though, is that is takes a story we've seen before and presents it in a whole new way. I loved it and think you should go out and watch it. Do as I say!

Anyway, here are some pictures from yesterday. I'm lugging Big Bertha (My Canon 50D) around with me to take pictures as I go.

Look who I saw as the movies. It's Alvin!

Took this one on the way to the stores. I played with a new Photoshop action and kept the heart red. I think I'm going to start taking pictures of things that look like hearts. Hmmm, potential project.

I'll never get tired of Christmas lights. The candy canes are on the neighbor's lawn and I was worried that they would poke their head through the curtains to find me loitering on their property.

Both my parents and my in-laws got huge Christmas trees this year. Ours is so tiny compared to these monsters. 
Up next, how I ventured to make chocolate covered pretzels and completely rocked it!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What's Awesome? F Yeah! Ryan Gosling

So I'm tooling around the internet instead of getting ready for my day, when I decide to google "cute blogs," (I'm in the mood to discover something new, sue me.) and instead come across this site: Fuck Yeah! Ryan Gosling.

I don't know what in the world possessed someone to come up with this, but I want to shake their hand. Behold the awesomeness:

I almost spit out my orange juice when I read the last one. Hilarious. Seriously, poke around if for no other reason then to look at an impressive collection of Ryan Gosling pictures.

Monday, December 21, 2009


This is the face of people who were sitting at an airport for close to five hours yesterday. No joke--that's what I say. Traveling in the holiday is no joke.

Our flight to NY was delayed because the stupid plane was delayed leaving JFK. We were also stuck in the most boring terminal in America. This polaroid was taken after I claimed a coveted power outlet for my laptop (whose battery dies in 10 minutes. Santa, hear that?) I established a whole command center, updated my website (check it out!) and tooled around the internet.

We finally got to my in-law's house at close to two in the morning. It was a pain in the ass, but we're blessed because a lot of people are still grounded in airports all over the Northeast. F-that.

I'm going to document our vacation everyday, so stay tuned.

Anyone have any horror travel stories? Anyone stuck at an airport? Leave your thoughts in the comments, all two of you.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Jersey Shore Nickname Generator

So I get this text from my sister today:

Jersey Shore Nickname Generator:
Yanelle= Y-Pop
Mike= Tan Jovi
Elaine: The Paris Hilton of Trenton
Jorge= Hard Hat
Eliana= The Opportunity

Now I know what to call my family in Jersey-speak. One word: AWESOME!

Playing Catch Up: Maternity Pictures

Freedom...I can taste it. Two weeks away from this cold room and no windows and germy students. Sigh. I'm so happy. It's time to play catch-up on the old bloggo:

At the end of November, I had the pleasure of shooting my friend Javy and his wife, Julieta. I touched on it here. I have not had the time to blog about the shoot, though it's been up on my website for sometime. My life has been a bit of a zoo since we got back from Thanksgiving. Either way, here are my picks from that wonderful day in the sun. I'm happy to say that Javy and Julieta welcomed little Anabel into the world on November 30th. Yey, for babies!

I could live under this tree:

Some taken with Olga my Holga (damn, skippy!)

What's Awesome? Kermit

Monday, December 14, 2009

Writing Hiatus

I'm not going on one. I guess I was just on hiatus without even realizing it. It wasn't on purpose...I just haven't had much free time.
I haven't even writen my morning pages.
I killed my streak.
That's ok, though. I'll just start again.

This weekend was out of control.
By far the biggest in Elaine Palladino Photography history.
I had two engagements shoots and one boudoir shoot.
I also have a maybe wedding this Saturday.
It's all exciting and new and, I won't lie, a bit overwhelming.
Especially because I'm still working full-tiime.

I have so many pictures from this weekend that I want to share, as well as pictures from my friends wedding that I finally got around to editing. All will be revealed this week. I swear it.

Here is my weekend in polaroids:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Photobooth Action

So my dear, dear friend Lissette (also known as Elle) and her wonderful Sam got married a little over a week ago. The wedding was beautiful, emotional, wonderful. AND I was given free reign to take all the pictures I wanted. She had an amazing photographer but, I won't lie, I was totally picture jealous. I wanted to take those pictures! I still got some good ones (and some Elaine Exclusives) that I'll be sharing here as soon as I'm done editing them. I've been trying to multi-task: creating the new website, editing Elle's pictures, teaching, wifeing (new word?), cooking, that it's a wonder I haven't lost it.

The point of this post: Instead of the usual favors offered at weddings, Sam and Elle provided their guests with a photobooth. That thing was awesome! Mike and I went up five times. You had four seconds between pictures and they provided all sorts of hats, glasses, boas--the works.

Here we are in all our photobooth glory (pardon the graininess, Mike scanned them at work. Santa, can I have a printer/scanner?)

I'm going to start off with the best series. We walked into the booth with a plan of attack: cops and robbers/pimp hats/antennas/glasses. I barked out orders that way, too.

Here I am with the blushing bride:

Can someone else get married and have a photobooth so that Mike and I can do this again?

Announcement! Announcement!

I've been a spotty blogger for the past week or so and it's for a good reason. In case you didn't know, I'm a budding photographer trying to break out in the business. For the past few months I've been movin' and shakin' trying not to look like a complete moron, but now ladies and gents, I just got too legit to quit! My brand new website is live and in full color. It's flash based and pretty and I'm just so proud.

Here's a little preview of my bio page. Hello, polaroids!

Check it out here: and let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas, christmas time is here...

...time for joy and time for cheer.
We've been good but we can't last.
Hurry, Christmas, hurry fast.

My all time favorite Christmas song is The Chipmunk Christmas song. I don't know why I love it so much, but whenever Christmas rolls around, I can't help but sing that song on loop. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about:

I'm still rockin' the record, "A Chipmunk Christmas," with Santa and the three Chipmunks on the cover. I don't have a record player so we don't listen to it, but I put it up by the stockings every year without fail.

Each year, after Thanksgiving we go get our tree, turn up some Chipmunk tunes and watch Christmas Vacation as we decorate our tree. All these years watching it and we still crack up especially during this part:

Because we live in an apartment and won't be here for Christmas, we got a small tree this year. But it's super cute. It's chock-full of colorful lights and the randomest collection of ornaments. None of them match but they're all special because they're from our childhood or given to us by family and friends. Here are pictures of  us decorating Bruce the Spruce:

We couldn't decide whether to put the angel or the star, so we went with both. Mike has to include his various NY sports team ornaments:


I bought this pink pig last year. He's awesome. Mike's mom gave him this Santa. We laugh whenever we look at him because he looks so depressed. We call him Sad Santa.

It isn't Christmas without the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

Every year I buy an ornament for us and when we have kids, I'll get one for them too. I try and get funny ones that represent who we are. I think this one does that beautifully:

What about you? Your tree up? What's your favorite/most random ornament hanging on your tree? 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Book Review: Hush, Hush

When I was a senior in high school I had to read Milton's Paradise Lost and Dante's Divine Comedy. Ever since then, I've been facinated by this idea of fallen angels. Fast forward to the Friday after Thanksgiving. Mike and I are ridiculously early for our flight so we're walking around the Borders in LaGuardia. I'm instantly drawn to the young adult section. Maybe it's because I teach 10th graders or because more and more of the YA books that are being released are wonderful and well written. Either way, one look and this cover and I'm frozen to the spot. No, it's not because of the shirtless guy (though I'm not opposed to a shirtless guy on the cover of a book, sorry Mike), it's more the wings and his position and the overall mood of the picture that draws me in.

I open the cover, read the flap and think, "whoa." Of course I bought it.

Hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. Man, what a good book.
As always, I'll let Amazon take it:

"For Nora Grey, romance was not part of the plan. She's never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, no matter how much her best friend, Vee, pushes them at her. Not until Patch came along.

With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Nora is drawn to him against her better judgment.

But after a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure who to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is, and to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel.

For Nora is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost her life."

The thing about this book is that, besides having the romance factor that we all love, it has an element of suspense and genuine horror that you don't expect. Maybe horror is too strong a's scary. I did not know what was going to happen next. I just kept saying to myself, "Please don't let Patch be the bad guy..."
I read through half the book on the plane. When I came home, between this and that, I never got around to finishing it. Wednesday I got home early and picked up the book while having a snack. I didn't put it down until I was finished. Nearly three hundred pages in one shot. And I was genuinely concerned about Nora and Patch. Let me also say, that there is a scene in a hotel, where the lights go out, wow. That's how I know something is good, when I enviously wish that I wrote it.
Bottom line: Buy this book if you like dangerous, mysterious guys, plucky heroines, suspense, mystery and a little mythology.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving in New York

Though we had to cut our vacation short because of the wedding on Saturday, we had a nice three days with Mike's family. I ate more than any one person should and was able to shed some of the bad juju from the past couple of weeks. I took a ridiculous amount of pictures. I could do a whole post on just the food. My best friend, Gisy, says that I could be a food photographer. I just want to use my camera to make the food look as good as it tastes and smells. I'll make that a future post...

I was able to convince my brother-in-law, Andrew, and his girlfriend, Ashley, to take some pictures while the sun was setting:

I could fill whole albums with pictures of Mike:

Thanksgiving day we went for a nice four-mile walk on the trail near Mike's parent's house. That's right: FOUR MILES. I was not prepared for that. These are some of the pictures from the trail:


NaNoWriMo: A Retrospective

I think I set myself up for failure. National Novel Writing Month was my way of taking on too much. It's not that I'm incapable, it's just that there is only so much a person can do in a given day. Something has to give. In this case, that was NaNoWriMo.

Normally, I would be disappointed in myself and feel like a failure. Elaine from a few days ago would have given into the self-doubt and pity party that only failing at something can bring. But not me as I am now. Post-vacation Elaine is not disappointed in the least. Maybe it's the rest I got or my being away from the routine that's given me perspective, but I feel like I made the right choice.

I have never been prouder of failing.

I've always been a person that's tried to do everything. You know this. I've documented it. In my mind, I can do the laundry, write lesson plans, go to the movies, run three miles and cook a well-balanced dinner from scratch--all in a day. In the words of my lizard friend: "Yeah, right. Not once. Not never." I'm starting to learn this. Finally.

It's not that I've decided to abandon my story or my characters who I love so dearly. It's not that I've given up on writing. After all, isn't that what I'm doing now? I just know that I can't master everything. At least not at the same time. I can't be a kick-ass teacher if I'm trying to become a kick-ass photographer and write a kick-ass novel all while trying to maintain my status as a kick-ass wife, daughter, sister and friend. You get the point.

So this is me saying: yeah, I failed. In front of my readers, no less...all four of you. In the end, though, I did it on my terms. My story deserves better. I deserve better than to try something and fail everything else in the process. It's quite freeing, really.

Coming Up: Pictures from our Thanksgiving trip (Check out the ones I took with my Holga, here); Pictures from my friend Lissette's Wedding; and pictures from the Maternity shoot that I never got around to posting!

Today's post is brought to you by the letter Y. I saw this while I was walking the trail and I thought of my sister, Yani. This one's for you, kid.

Friday, November 27, 2009

What's Awesome? The Skymall

Whenever I fly, I always flip through the SkyMall catalog that's squeezed in the fabric pocket of the seat back, underneath the tray table. One time, Mike and I sat next to this lady who was all about the SkyMall. She eagerly awaited the release of the latest catalog and carefully read through every single page throughout the flight. I'm not nearly as serious as that; I just like to poke fun at the items for sale. Random does not even begin to describe the plethora of products available for purchase.

Fortunately for you, I'm stuck on this plane and so can break down my favorite products.

I'm going to start with the thing that, the moment I get a backyard, I will indeed purchase. Something needs to protect our turf, why not a yeti?

 As if a Yeti weren't enough, lets toss in a friggin' zombie. I'm going to let the folks at SkyMall take this one, "This life-size, gray toned zombie will claw his way out of your graden plot, office* or family room* corner, pleading for assistance with the eeriest eyes you've ever seen...finished so realistically that you'll swear you'll hear him breathing."

 Two items that project marshmallows. Seriously.

 The guy in the picture looks like a tool. It uses your focuses brain waves to move a ball through an obstacle course. You wear a head band with some clips in your ears. It's supposed to measure some type of theta wave activity. Whatever. I just want to meet the person who owns this.

As Mike said when I read him the product description, "Well, they need to explain what the Crusades were if they want people to buy it." If you need a refresher, SkyMall is there for you: "The Crusades Set depicts the nearly 200-year religious battle between the Christians and Muslims." In case you're not into Holy wars, you can get the World War II set complete with mini-FDR and Hitler. Because, you know, you want a chess set that "brightens a room and is fun to play."

No explanation needed.

In case truck balls are a little too garish, you can give your truck a makeover with these Truck Antlers, because "sometimes one car horn just isn't enough."

This might get the award for most random thing at the SkyMall. Again, I'll let them explain it, "There's something terribly wrong here. Two open-jawed aliens are tromping off with your helpless, hapless garden nome." Can I just say, $150.00 if you want the large version. Totally worth it.

All Pictures © Elaine Palladino 2009

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