Survey Says!
I can't get over how tired I am or how much standing in front of students for an entire day feels like the Dementors sucking my soul. It's not nearly as dramatic as that, I'm just beat is all. I was sick all weekend. My mom says that I'm an old woman and my best-good friend Scott says that it's just bad genetics. I don't know what it is, my brain just hurts.
The highlight of the weekend was my second photo shoot ever with the beautiful charmer Samantha. This girl is going to break some hearts when she gets older. I'm still playing with the pictures, to be honest it's all I want to do right now, but I'll post them as soon as I get the go ahead from her 'rents. In the meantime here's a little sampling because I want to share at least something: And because I had a rough day and I still can't see the bottom of my Crap-To-Do pile, I'm going t post a little survey I found on this website and thought I'd post here because, why not?
What is your name, location and website?
Elaine Palladino, Miami, FL,
3 random things/quirks about yourself
1. I've got a budding collection of Star Wars themed Mr. Potato Heads (Darth Tater and Princess Tater). My next purchase will be Yam Solo.
2. I like to randomly sing songs out load for no good reason. My husband says it’s a tick.
3. I still giggle at the McDonald’s fillet o’ fish song even though I’ve seen it 100 times.
What is your favorite time of the year and why?
I love the fall. Every now and then we get a little cold front in Miami but we never get the fall. It’s one of those things that I just long for every year.
3 favorite things to wear.
My wedding ring
Shins t-shirts
3 favorite smells
Roasted peanuts on a cold day in the city
Apple pie
My mom
3 favorite places in the world
My parent’s house
New York
Mirror Lake in New Hampshire
Your final meal on earth would be…
Anything my mom makes
3 favorite sounds
My husband’s laughter
My sister’s laughter
The sound of a good song
3 living things you treasure
My family
My dog
My friends
Top 3 events in your life so far
The day I moved to NY
The day I got married
The day I decided to become a teacher
What do you wear to go to sleep?
Anything that’s comfortable. I’m all about comfort.
3 favorite movies
Say Anything
Signs (This dude makes the movie...)
3 favorite books
The Harry Potter Series (Because the entire collection is just awesome)
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Because he made me want to be a better writer)
High Fidelity (Because it’s the book that made me a reader)
Your favorite quote/motto is…
“Don’t be an asshole.”
3 small ways someone has made your day lately…
-When my cousin commented on this blog
-When my husband packed my lunch
-When someone complemented my photography
What about you? Feel free to cut and paste your answers to this survey in the comments. AND I haven't forgotten about the pending book review...all systems are go for tomorrow.